Blog Tour: Unnatural by J.A. Belfield

Earlier in the month, one of my favorite writer buds, J.A. Belfield, released the fourth book in her Holloway Pack series.  Now, for those of you who haven't heard of this series, let me tickle your mind for a moment... a houseful of alpha male hotness (*cough* Ethan) and breaking the rules to be with their mates. Um ... what's not to love??

So in this installment we have Kyle.  I was first introduced to him in Caged and although Ethan stole the show, Kyle held his own enough for me to take notice of the little side story going on with him and Brooke.  I'm pretty excited to read this one because J.A. Belfield doesn't disappoint and the reviews for Unnatural have been fantastic!

For the tour stop, I asked J to prepare her Top Ten Coolest Cats.  But before we get to that, let's check out this book:



Unnatural. One word to sum up werewolf Kyle Larsen—his mood swings, abnormal body, and choice of female.

The first two, he blames on the vampire venom.

The third, though? No, feline shifter Brook Nicholls was all his doing—a female of whom the pack will never approve.

As part of the Coalition, an organisation with even stricter rules than the pack and a rigidly warped sense of responsibility, Brook comes with a whole lot of opposition of her own.

No wonder the two of them keep their relationship secret for as long as they can.

Now, distanced from his family by his own indiscretions, Kyle’s left to fight battles he’s unsure how to win—some of them even against his own pack.

Is one woman really so important that he’s willing to defy his Alpha for her?

If his heart has any say in the matter, the answer will be yes.


AND there's a GIVEAWAY!

Up for grabs is:


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Good luck!

And now for J.A Belfield's Top Ten Coolest Cats:

There are a lot of folk in this world—some real, some fictional—who I happen to consider pretty cool for one reason or another. When Keri suggested this post to me, I thought it sounded fairly easy. Coming to write it, however, and narrowing these down to just ten? Nah, not so easy at all.

However, after a lot of deliberating—with myself—I think I’ve managed a respectable list. Check it out.

Mr B

Yes, yes, I know very few of you guys actually know him, but he is and always will be my Number 1 Cool Cat, so I’m sticking him here right at the very top. He picks me up when I’m down, he makes me laugh when I frown, and he gets me out of the house whenever I’m at risk of turning into a hermit. Some days, he has been the reason I have found in within myself to write.

Will Smith

There’s this saying I have with my bestie, Carla, that goes along the lines of ‘Will Smith—he never disappoints’. I dunno what it is. It might be because I grew up with Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It might be that annoyingly cute and cheeky grin. Heck, it might even just be that voice—‘cause, ya know, I am female, after all (don’t tell Mr B I said that).

So, I’m branding Will as my Wild Card Cool Cat—because I dunno what it is about him, I just know that it is. ;)

Queen Elizabeth.

She’s a cool lady. Keeps calm in a crisis. Offers pearls of wisdom and inspiration. And on top of that, her presence and poise and manner in which she carries herself make me proud to be British.

Stephen King

I’ve never read a Stephen King novel. *ducks for cover*

With that admission, I guess you’re all wondering how he made it onto my list. Well, he’s on here for three reasons: 1) because he has held a high spot in the horror genre for a long time, and that can’t be an easy deal to achieve; 2) I read his On Writing. This was the first book on writing I’d ever read. It’s also the only one I’ve ever read. I learned more from this autobiography-style book than I could have learned from anywhere else, and he deserves kudos for that; 3) because he didn’t give up. Becoming initially successful as a horror writer wasn’t easy for him. He had his knockbacks. He had his kicks. But he didn’t give up. That makes him an inspiration. Because, no matter the odds, he followed his dream.

Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead

If ever there’s a zombie apocalypse? Dude, I wanna be on Darrel’s team. Ya know? Not only does he seem sure in the pointing of his weapon, he does what he does, whatever that happens to be at any given time, with a total ease. I wish I was as chilled as this guy.

Prince Harry

I love Harry. As a royal prince, there are certain standards one must adhere to … but good ole Harry has never been afraid to be himself. He’s never been afraid to follow his own path in life. His work alongside the armed forces, despite how much danger he’s in because, boy, he would be a MASSIVE bargaining chip for the ‘other side’, right? He still just does it. And I respect him for that.

Brigid Kemmerer

From one writer to another, I have so much respect for what this lady produces. Her writing is consistent, her characters deep and full of life, and her world building is pretty neat, too. But what I learn most from reading her books is the art of pacing. She has the most consistent pacing of any author I’ve read. Plus her YA Elementals series is awesome. You should read them, for realz.

Uncle Si

Yeah, *holds hands up* I’m a Duck Dynasty fan. And this dude makes me guffaw my freaking hide off. Anyone on TV who has the ability to make me and Mr B simultaneously laugh until our sides hurt deserves a cool cat medal, for sure.

Diana Spencer

I still remember her as Lady Diana Spencer, but to those not from the UK, you’ll more likely know her as Princess Diana. She acted out her royal duties with elegance and grace, whilst fighting to cling onto her own identity during her time at the palace. She was what I would refer to as one of life’s gems. A true lady. I believe her attitude to life contributed a great deal to Harry’s headstrong ways.

Man, and I never realised just how much respect I have for our royal family over here until three of them crept into this post. However, just as calm and graceful in what she does is my final cool cat …

Keri Lake

Yeah, I went there—though it had to be done. And not just because I’m here today, on her blog.

I’ve known Keri since before we were both published, when our writing was still pretty rough around the edges, and I’m glad this virtual relationship has bloomed from that. Not only are her story ideas so out there that they are freakily awesome, but bouncing ideas off her, and being a board for her bouncing, is almost like working with a reflection. For some reason, we seem to get where the other is coming from, and those kinds of relationships between writers don’t happen every day.

Here’s looking at you, chick. ;)

So, those are my Cool Cats—who’d make it onto your list?


Oh man ... I'm blushing behind my computer screen right now.  Thank you, J ❤

 About the Author

J.A. BelfieldBest known for her Holloway Pack Stories, J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, two cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Website | Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Booklikes


Unnatural Release Day Blast!




Unnatural. One word to sum up werewolf Kyle Larsen—his mood swings, abnormal body, and choice of female.

The first two, he blames on the vampire venom.

The third, though? No, feline shifter Brook Nicholls was all his doing—a female of whom the pack will never approve.

As part of the Coalition, an organisation with even stricter rules than the pack and a rigidly warped sense of responsibility, Brook comes with a whole lot of opposition of her own.

No wonder the two of them keep their relationship secret for as long as they can.

Now, distanced from his family by his own indiscretions, Kyle’s left to fight battles he’s unsure how to win—some of them even against his own pack.

Is one woman really so important that he’s willing to defy his Alpha for her?

If his heart has any say in the matter, the answer will be yes.


To celebrate Unnatural's release, CAGED, Holloway Pack 3 is on SALE!

The UNNATURAL Blog Tour begins tomorrow, and throughout the duration of the tour, CAGED will be available for just 99c.


AND there's a GIVEAWAY!

Up for grabs is:


Enter in Rafflectopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

To grab your own copy of UNNATURAL, click on any of the purchase links below.


J.A. BelfieldBest known for her Holloway Pack Stories, J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, two cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Website | Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Booklikes