Re-Release: Instinct by J.A. Belfield

Mucho congrats to my friend, J.A. Belfield, on the re-release of her prequel novella, INSTINCT!!  For a limited time (Friday January 23rd to Sunday, February 1st), you can grab a copy of this incredibly romantic story for FREE!



Werewolf Sean Holloway treats the village marketplace like a sexual buffet, though his charm does little to win over his latest entrée of choice. Whether because of Jem Stonehouse’s unique scent, her headstrong nonchalance, or the fact he is forbidden to see her by his pack’s rules, Sean wants her.

When Jem is nothing but flippant toward his advances, he pursues her with vigour, stealing moments alone with her without a libido-driven agenda.

The new and heady experience for him drives their relationship beyond romantic interest, and straight toward love.

That is, until Jem learns the truth about Sean’s heritage. Knowledge of the existence of werewolves leads to only one outcome: death.

In this prequel to Darkness & Light*, we are taken back in time, to the very beginning of Jem and Sean’s love-across-the-centuries relationship.

Did it end there? Or did Sean defy his own pack to save the woman he loves?

*Can be read as a standalone.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win $10 Amazon gift card and an ebook copy of ETERNAL, the sequel novella to INSTINCT.



Excerpt from INSTINCT:

The marketplace had to be the best venue to pick up females. At the age of twenty, I would have been happy to visit every day, but James would not permit me. As Alpha, his commands were followed without question, so my visits were limited to once a week. I had to admit, it worked out better that way.

From fruit to art, to lace, to the blacksmith’s stall, I walked. Paintings of marketplaces often depicted them as cheery, colourful, and bustling with activity. The latter conception may have been correct; although, they leaned more toward grey and dreary than bright, and the air often filled with yells of anger and bitterness, as opposed to joyful greetings.

At least there were the scents: hams and boars’ heads, fruits, wines, the steam of cooking soups, and, my most favourite of all, the freshness of ripe women. Lorna Rushford, Helena Longbarrow, Matilda Thornberry named only a few, each of those alone bringing with her a memory.

The females noticed me as much as I did them, even though my past catches never approached, never asked why I had not called to visit, or if I would tend them again. Of course, my refusal to conform to the current trends in attire ensured I stood out from the other males who bothered to arrive. Whereas the women’s glances would be appraising, perhaps even hopeful, the men’s glares offered nothing but scorn for my dark trousers tucked into knee-high leather boots, and for the shirts I never bothered to secure with their woven laces. Men had been hung for far less than inconsiderate fashion sense, yet I did not care. I was not like them and never pretended to be.

A whisper drifted across, as I meandered through the crowd: “’Tis Mr Holloway, Eleanor.”

With a tilt of my head, I spotted the speaker leaning into her sister, who fluttered her lashes in a clear attempt to catch my attention.

Eleanor had turned out to be a worthy virgin. The scent of her blood had driven me wild as I had plunged into her.

I smiled to myself as I turned away.

Farther along, pausing to sample the crisp apples, I caught Mrs Lawson’s scent. The older ladies may not have been as pure, but they could not be denied their eagerness to please. For that reason alone, they made for an entertaining afternoon.

My nose lifted to track her, and I found the woman beyond a table stacked high with fresh loaves, hidden behind her fan, which she waved with vigour. I recalled that her petticoat had held many layers, and the removal of them turned out to be almost as much fun as the act itself. I wondered how she had explained the damage to her pompous husband.

At a new aroma begging for notice, my step faltered as my nostrils flared.

Strong, yet understated, alluring and seductive, the unsullied flavour carried the exceptional deliciousness of womanly musk. Possessed by a need to find the source, I tilted my head and allowed my nose to lead.

It should have been difficult, impossible even, to locate such subtlety amongst the overpowering wafts of food and body odours, yet the strong pull beckoned to me, drawing me on.

Whispers continued, as I passed one stall after another, but they no longer held my interest. My mind seemed only able to focus on the unfamiliar scent. Although it intensified with each step, I half wished for a stronger breeze to invade the clear morning, to bring me a more wholesome dose and appease my sudden and unbidden greed.

My eyes shifted, as I moved, searching. I skimmed over those who held no appeal, the ones whose flavour had already been tasted, until, at the end of the row ahead, I spotted two young women.

From the angle of their positions, I doubted they could see me. The purchasing of herbs distracted the darker haired of the two. Animated, she possessed a flamboyance which showed in her movements, and in her pleasant tones, as she bartered with the stall owner.

I imagined she would get her own way with the price.

To her side stood a fairer female, with a quiet calm that showed in the relaxed set of her shoulders. Taking a step closer, I studied her.

Appearing younger, almost lacking in confidence, she was also somewhat taller and certainly far more beautiful. I did not recognise her, yet could not mistake her scent. I had been tracking it for the past five minutes.

Leaning across the jewellery on the stall beside me, I caught the proprietor’s attention. “Who is the girl?” I asked, pointing toward the one who held me so rapt.

“Regular of mine.” He nodded and smiled. “The Stonehouse sisters often purchase my quartz and amethyst.”

As he spoke their name in a conspicuous overtone, the females turned.

Blue eyes, as dark as sapphires, appraised me from beneath wisps of blonde, and a smile widened the girl’s lips, as my own mouth curved at the corners.

Beside her, the darker girl leaned into the fair tresses of her sister. “Sean Holloway is a ladies’ man and not to be trusted,” she hissed, her words carrying to me with ease, before she walked off. When her sister remained, gaze locked with mine, the seemingly older girl called out, “Come along, Jem. Mother is waiting.”

My eyebrow twitched upward. Jem?

With her attention tugged back toward her departing sibling, she dipped her head and followed behind.

Still, the essence her body had left in its wake lured me, and, unable to do otherwise, I trailed after her.






Cover Reveal! Hereditary by J.A. Belfield

Sorry it's been SO LONG since I've posted something here.  Busy, busy, busy! Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!

Today I've got a treat ...

You know how much I love the Holloway Pack, right?  Well, my lovely friend J.A. Belfield is offering up another installment in her addictive paranormal series, a short story that can be read independently of the series (though why would you want to miss out on a pack of sexy wolfy men?), and it's FREE!!!

Before we get into the details, let's check out the gorgeous cover first:

Title: Hereditary
Series: Holloway Pack
Author: J.A. Belfield
Release Date: August 13th 2014

The trouble with one-night stands: you never know who—or what—you’re sleeping with.


Being a parent isn’t an easy ride. Even more so for single mum Shelley Lewis.

When her thirteen year old son’s hormones kick in, she’s faced with his immense growth, insane sweat, and ridiculous hairiness, not to mention all the normal teenage issues.

Discovering her only son isn’t human on top of those is the shock of a lifetime, and Shelley knows she’s the only one to blame.

It may be too late to save her son from her mistakes, but she can still try to save Gabe from himself.


For fans of J.A. Belfield’s Holloway Pack series, Hereditary is a look back at the origins for characters met in Resonance.

Go add it to your Goodreads shelf!

Blog Tour: Unnatural by J.A. Belfield

Earlier in the month, one of my favorite writer buds, J.A. Belfield, released the fourth book in her Holloway Pack series.  Now, for those of you who haven't heard of this series, let me tickle your mind for a moment... a houseful of alpha male hotness (*cough* Ethan) and breaking the rules to be with their mates. Um ... what's not to love??

So in this installment we have Kyle.  I was first introduced to him in Caged and although Ethan stole the show, Kyle held his own enough for me to take notice of the little side story going on with him and Brooke.  I'm pretty excited to read this one because J.A. Belfield doesn't disappoint and the reviews for Unnatural have been fantastic!

For the tour stop, I asked J to prepare her Top Ten Coolest Cats.  But before we get to that, let's check out this book:



Unnatural. One word to sum up werewolf Kyle Larsen—his mood swings, abnormal body, and choice of female.

The first two, he blames on the vampire venom.

The third, though? No, feline shifter Brook Nicholls was all his doing—a female of whom the pack will never approve.

As part of the Coalition, an organisation with even stricter rules than the pack and a rigidly warped sense of responsibility, Brook comes with a whole lot of opposition of her own.

No wonder the two of them keep their relationship secret for as long as they can.

Now, distanced from his family by his own indiscretions, Kyle’s left to fight battles he’s unsure how to win—some of them even against his own pack.

Is one woman really so important that he’s willing to defy his Alpha for her?

If his heart has any say in the matter, the answer will be yes.


AND there's a GIVEAWAY!

Up for grabs is:


Enter in Rafflectopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

And now for J.A Belfield's Top Ten Coolest Cats:

There are a lot of folk in this world—some real, some fictional—who I happen to consider pretty cool for one reason or another. When Keri suggested this post to me, I thought it sounded fairly easy. Coming to write it, however, and narrowing these down to just ten? Nah, not so easy at all.

However, after a lot of deliberating—with myself—I think I’ve managed a respectable list. Check it out.

Mr B

Yes, yes, I know very few of you guys actually know him, but he is and always will be my Number 1 Cool Cat, so I’m sticking him here right at the very top. He picks me up when I’m down, he makes me laugh when I frown, and he gets me out of the house whenever I’m at risk of turning into a hermit. Some days, he has been the reason I have found in within myself to write.

Will Smith

There’s this saying I have with my bestie, Carla, that goes along the lines of ‘Will Smith—he never disappoints’. I dunno what it is. It might be because I grew up with Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It might be that annoyingly cute and cheeky grin. Heck, it might even just be that voice—‘cause, ya know, I am female, after all (don’t tell Mr B I said that).

So, I’m branding Will as my Wild Card Cool Cat—because I dunno what it is about him, I just know that it is. ;)

Queen Elizabeth.

She’s a cool lady. Keeps calm in a crisis. Offers pearls of wisdom and inspiration. And on top of that, her presence and poise and manner in which she carries herself make me proud to be British.

Stephen King

I’ve never read a Stephen King novel. *ducks for cover*

With that admission, I guess you’re all wondering how he made it onto my list. Well, he’s on here for three reasons: 1) because he has held a high spot in the horror genre for a long time, and that can’t be an easy deal to achieve; 2) I read his On Writing. This was the first book on writing I’d ever read. It’s also the only one I’ve ever read. I learned more from this autobiography-style book than I could have learned from anywhere else, and he deserves kudos for that; 3) because he didn’t give up. Becoming initially successful as a horror writer wasn’t easy for him. He had his knockbacks. He had his kicks. But he didn’t give up. That makes him an inspiration. Because, no matter the odds, he followed his dream.

Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead

If ever there’s a zombie apocalypse? Dude, I wanna be on Darrel’s team. Ya know? Not only does he seem sure in the pointing of his weapon, he does what he does, whatever that happens to be at any given time, with a total ease. I wish I was as chilled as this guy.

Prince Harry

I love Harry. As a royal prince, there are certain standards one must adhere to … but good ole Harry has never been afraid to be himself. He’s never been afraid to follow his own path in life. His work alongside the armed forces, despite how much danger he’s in because, boy, he would be a MASSIVE bargaining chip for the ‘other side’, right? He still just does it. And I respect him for that.

Brigid Kemmerer

From one writer to another, I have so much respect for what this lady produces. Her writing is consistent, her characters deep and full of life, and her world building is pretty neat, too. But what I learn most from reading her books is the art of pacing. She has the most consistent pacing of any author I’ve read. Plus her YA Elementals series is awesome. You should read them, for realz.

Uncle Si

Yeah, *holds hands up* I’m a Duck Dynasty fan. And this dude makes me guffaw my freaking hide off. Anyone on TV who has the ability to make me and Mr B simultaneously laugh until our sides hurt deserves a cool cat medal, for sure.

Diana Spencer

I still remember her as Lady Diana Spencer, but to those not from the UK, you’ll more likely know her as Princess Diana. She acted out her royal duties with elegance and grace, whilst fighting to cling onto her own identity during her time at the palace. She was what I would refer to as one of life’s gems. A true lady. I believe her attitude to life contributed a great deal to Harry’s headstrong ways.

Man, and I never realised just how much respect I have for our royal family over here until three of them crept into this post. However, just as calm and graceful in what she does is my final cool cat …

Keri Lake

Yeah, I went there—though it had to be done. And not just because I’m here today, on her blog.

I’ve known Keri since before we were both published, when our writing was still pretty rough around the edges, and I’m glad this virtual relationship has bloomed from that. Not only are her story ideas so out there that they are freakily awesome, but bouncing ideas off her, and being a board for her bouncing, is almost like working with a reflection. For some reason, we seem to get where the other is coming from, and those kinds of relationships between writers don’t happen every day.

Here’s looking at you, chick. ;)

So, those are my Cool Cats—who’d make it onto your list?


Oh man ... I'm blushing behind my computer screen right now.  Thank you, J ❤

 About the Author

J.A. BelfieldBest known for her Holloway Pack Stories, J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, two cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Website | Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Booklikes


Unnatural Release Day Blast!




Unnatural. One word to sum up werewolf Kyle Larsen—his mood swings, abnormal body, and choice of female.

The first two, he blames on the vampire venom.

The third, though? No, feline shifter Brook Nicholls was all his doing—a female of whom the pack will never approve.

As part of the Coalition, an organisation with even stricter rules than the pack and a rigidly warped sense of responsibility, Brook comes with a whole lot of opposition of her own.

No wonder the two of them keep their relationship secret for as long as they can.

Now, distanced from his family by his own indiscretions, Kyle’s left to fight battles he’s unsure how to win—some of them even against his own pack.

Is one woman really so important that he’s willing to defy his Alpha for her?

If his heart has any say in the matter, the answer will be yes.


To celebrate Unnatural's release, CAGED, Holloway Pack 3 is on SALE!

The UNNATURAL Blog Tour begins tomorrow, and throughout the duration of the tour, CAGED will be available for just 99c.


AND there's a GIVEAWAY!

Up for grabs is:


Enter in Rafflectopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

To grab your own copy of UNNATURAL, click on any of the purchase links below.


J.A. BelfieldBest known for her Holloway Pack Stories, J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, two cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Website | Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Booklikes

Cover Reveal: UNNATURAL by J.A. Belfield

I think I've mentioned the very talented J.A. Belfield and the yumminess of her Holloway brood ... Well guess what?  There's MORE Holloway hotness on the horizon and I'm giving you a peek at the cover!  I thought Caged was a sexy cover--and it is--nothing will top Ethan.  But I gotta say, this cover is pretty damn gorgeous ...

Check it out:


A Holloway Pack Story

by J.A. Belfield

Release Date: April 7, 2014

Target Reader: Adult

Keywords: Paranormal RomanceWerewolf

 Back of the Book

Unnatural. One word to sum up werewolf Kyle Larsen—his mood swings, abnormal body, and choice of female.

The first two, he blames on the vampire venom.

The third, though? No, feline shifter Brook Nicholls was all his doing—a female of whom the pack will never approve.

As part of the Coalition, an organisation with even stricter rules than the pack and a rigidly warped sense of responsibility, Brook comes with a whole lot of opposition of her own.

No wonder the two of them keep their relationship secret for as long as they can.

Now, distanced from his family by his own indiscretions, Kyle’s left to fight battles he’s unsure how to win—some of them even against his own pack.

Is one woman really so important that he’s willing to defy his Alpha for her?

If his heart has any say in the matter, the answer will be yes.


So what do you think?  Purdy, ain't she?

Liebster Blog Award

Perhaps you’ve seen this Liebster Award going around.  Well, guess what?  I got nominated—not once, but twice—by the lovely J.A. Belfield and Soo over at Silk Screen Views.  So I thought I’d combine the two into one post. Here’s how this works:

* Each nominee must answer the 11 questions. * Create 11 questions for the next nominees to answer. * Link back to who nominated them. * Choose 11 people and link them in your post. * Go to their page and tell them. * No tag backs!

Okay so first up, my questions from Soo:

What was your first response when you got my email about the Liebster Blog Award?

Um.  What the hell is this?

Name a weird event that has happened due to running a blog. If the answer is no, tell a joke. It must be FUNNY!

I can’t even pull off a written joke, I’m THAT bad.  Okay so, weird event?  Uh, I’ll go both website and blog and I’d have to say the DAILY weird events are the search terms people have used to get to my site.  Some of my faves:

      1. Angels and demons having sex
      2. Eating out in Keri Lake <<I’ll assume they were looking for the Greek resort here
      3. Blindfolded ankles tied with rope  <<curious to know which page they landed on.

Has anything unexpected happened to you by writing a post? If the answer is no, create a haiku about your blog.

Hmmm.  *thinks REALLY hard to keep from having to write a damn haiku*  Oh yeah, here’s one: I was writing teaser posts for my Cover Model Contest, you know, cropping sexy bods and saving the likely candidates into folders.  Later, I ended up having an issue with a work-related account and had to call IT, who accessed my laptop remotely.  He pulled up my recent files and there were all the half-naked men with no heads.  Kinda felt like a perv.

Light saber or magic wand? Defend your answer! =)

Sabers are all about ass kickery.  Wands are for marching band color-guard wannabe wizards.

What is a flaw you would never give up?

I’m incredibly picky about my own writing.  Maybe even a little obsessive I guess.

If you could rid the world of stupid people, would you? Why or why not?

Probably not.  It’d be hard to appreciate the smart ones if all the stupid ones disappeared. Reminders, right?

What three things do you absolutely must have to survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

A recipe for artificial brains, cans of Lysol spray and probably Nerf guns, because c’mon, decaying flesh can’t be all that impenetrable.

Is there a book you regret reading? What was it?

My sister’s diary when we were teenagers.

What do you do when your creative juices dry up and you can’t write anything but ellipses?

Um … well … I guess I … jeez … I dunno … take a break? … Uh … read someone elses’s stuff for a while? … Can’t really … think, ya know?

What is your definition of a white lie?


Why did you decide to accept the LBA & participate in the blog meme?

My muse ditched me for a cheap fling with fast fingers and quicker keystrokes.  I had nothing better to do.

Onto the next round of questions from J:

What is your favourite genre to read?

Definitely paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

You’ve just won a competition and the prize is any pair of shoes in the world of your choice. Describe them.

My dream shoes?  Stilettos that feel like I’m wearing Nikes.  Holy hell, I’d wear those suckers while cleaning house, even.

Which fictional character would you most like to meet and why?

I keep thinking this is going to change over time, but it hasn’t.  Rydstrom Woede because there’s something about this demon that gets my fan girl flags waving.  Some serious thigh-clenching going on too.

The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Undead beings are beating at your door, slobbering over your freshly-cleaned patio windows, and you’re barricaded into your living room. Sticking to truth, what’s the most useful item you have to help you swing your way out of this somewhat precarious situation?

Am I the only one who wonders what the big deal is about zombies?  We’re talking the walking dead here, right?  Decaying flesh and all that?  Seems one swift kick would send your foot flying through a rib cage and out its ass.  So I guess a pair of steel-toe boots.

I’ll never understand why mashed potato is considered a signature dish for a certain chicken restaurant in the US, so if you couldn’t have both, but had to choose, which way would you swing? Chicken or mash?

I actually LOVE mashed potatoes.  Besides, lots of things taste like chicken anyway.  Not like I’d miss it.

What is your most favourite accent in the world *cough* British *cough*?

What’s Gerard Butler’s accent again?

If you could visit any fictional land (created world/situation/etc) from any book of your choosing, which world/situation would choose to play witness to and why?

I’d like to be a patient in the UGH.  Hot demon docs taking care of me?  Yeah uh, sign me up!

Slippers or socks? No, they’re NOT the same!


Favourite James Bond actor? Why, what’s so special about him, then?

Hands down, Sean Connery.  The accent, the sex appeal.

Best (in your opinion) special effects for a werewolf film to date? (to the US folk out there, film = movie. )

Honestly, much as they are a guilty pleasure, I cannot take Twilight films seriously.  I think I do more laughing than anything else.  And the transformations in True Blood, though sexy when they involve Alcide stripping down, do nothing for me.  I gotta go with An American Werewolf In London.  That transformation scared the hell out of me when I was younger.  Still the best in my opinion:

And last but not least: Head into your mobile (mobile = cell phone *snicker*) scroll through your ‘favourites’ list of numbers, find the number that you dial the most … Who is it? Can I have their number? ‘Cause they must be pretty cool if you ring them all the while, right?

Most dialed number is hubs.

And now here's my 11 questions for the nominees:

  1. Well, it turns out that your good-for-nothing fairy godmother actually came through with a spell that works.  The next book you read will become your reality.  That’s right, you’ll be transported from your current existence, straight into the book.  The question is, which book do you pick up next?
  2. Your crazy uncle has finally done it … he’s built a time machine that he’s pretty sure is going to work, though he hasn’t actually tested it yet.  On humans, anyway.  You’re asked to be his guinea pig.  Knowing there’s a good chance you might not come back from this trip, to which period would you like to travel back in time?
  3. While showing off your old cheerleading moves at an outdoor keg party, you lose your balance doing a herkie and land on a patch of ice, knocking your head pretty hard.  Your doc declares you out of sorts and writes you a note to excuse any behaviors deemed ‘temporarily insane’.  What’s at the top of your havoc-wreaking agenda for the day?
  4. What’s your favorite supernatural?
  5. If you were stranded on an island and had the choice between a hot guy or a REALLY good book with a smokin’ hot alpha, what would you choose?
  6. First date attire:  jeans and t-shirt or a dress?
  7. It so happens you’ve got some mad guitar skills.  You decide to form a band.  What’s the name of your band?
  8. After months of floating alone through space, you land on a planet that makes our tropical paradises here on Earth look like the slums.  Even more exciting than that, the only beings on the planet are men.  But that’s not even the cake … every one of them are book boyfriends from the many romance novels you’ve read the last few months in your cramped spaceship cabin.  Okay, sure, maybe you’ve lost your mind, but that’s irrelevant.  The important question here is:  who’s gonna be your leading man on this crazy planet?
  9. If you could be any badass female from any book or movie who would you be and why?
  10. Describe yourself in three words.
  11. The supes are at war with each other and as one of few humans remaining you’re forced to take a side.  Which supe is more likely to come out on top and why?  Demons, werewolves, vampires or witches?

I know this thing has gone around the net quite a bit, so I’ll pick a few of my favorite bloggers and leave the other 5 or so open to anyone who’d like to participate!

Candice Bundy

Krista Walsh

Narcisse Navarre

KL Schwengel

Kelly Said

Raelyn Barclay


Wanna (Finally!) See Sean Holloway? #HollowayPack

I'm going to keep my intro to this brief because somewhere in this post is some mancandy, and I know you hate when I ramble on before introducing the goods.  This month J.A. Belfield released RESONANCE, Holloway Pack #2.5 (that's right ladies, be patient ... Ethan Holloway is right around the corner!).  And to celebrate, I asked her to prepare a guest post for my blog.  Not just any guest post. Something fun.  Something sexy.  Something exclusive.

I'll admit, I'm one of the nags who's asked her time and again, 'So what exactly does Sean look like through your eyes?'

Just goes to show ya ... ask a million times and ye shall receive!

Now I am a HUGE fan of this author's work and so to finally get to meet one of the hotties I've been reading about for a while is well ...

So I'm going to pass this post on to Ms. J, because the sooner I shut my mouth, the sooner we'll all FINALLY get to see Sean Holloway!!

Oh yeah!!

Wanna (FINALLY) See Sean Holloway?

Putting a face to a name is a toughie for me. Even more so when I’ve been asked since Darkness & Light was published, ‘How do you picture Sean?’ or, ‘If you had to cast him, which actor would you choose?’

I get asked this a lot in interviews, too. And I’m always stumped. Always!

Because when I write a character, I know who they are, but other than a list of physical attributes, I often have no diggety dang idea what they actually look like as a complete package. I’m more about the presence and personality of a character. But then, I’m like that when I’m reading, too. Ask me what a character is like at the end of reading a book, and I can easily list a few quirks and ‘ways’ of theirs. Ask me what they looked like, however, and I’m hard pressed to do so.

So, for that reason, I’ve never (BEFORE) been able to give you guys a visual on this main Holloway Pack male.

But that is all about to change.


You see, a couple months ago, I, by happenstance, stumbled across an image of a somewhat hunky male on the Internet, whereupon I literally threw up my hands and muttered, “My God, that’s Sean Holloway!”


I’ve found him!

And now I’m going to share him with you.

*nods head*

PLUS, to help you along, I’ve even included some Random Resonance One-Liners aaaaaaalll his own.

Here you go:

So ... whatcha think? He anything like you’d think he would be?

(Hot dude’s name is Aaron O’Connell, btw. Here’s his Twitter Handle. You’re welcome.)

*wipes drool* I'm sorry ... did you ask me something J?  *adds Twitter handle onto Tweeps to Stalk list*  And there you have him, folks! The sexy Sean Holloway ... *~*~showering*~*~

Pick up a copy of Resonance:


And while you're out stalking Aaron, add J.A. Belfield:





Caged by J.A. Belfield - Sexy Cover Reveal! #Caged

Oh have I got a treat for you today ... For many series out there, I can be a bit of a fickle whore, jumping from one male lead in the story to the next.  Hey, if he's sexy, has some personality and the author leads me to cheer for him along the way, I'm usually sold.  Yeah, I have my favorites, but they can be easily outshined by another character.

There is, however, one fictional man that I remain devoted to and when the author of this series asked me to be part of her cover reveal, well, let's just say she didn't have to ask me twice ... or wait long for my response, for that matter.  And when I finally received the email with attached cover for the book?  Sa-woon!!  No really, a fixed stare, gape mouthed moment of drooling.  But don't take my word for it.  Check it out yourself:

Le sigh.


A Holloway Pack Story (#3)

by J.A. Belfield

Release Date: August 5, 2013

Target Reader: Adult

Keywords: RomanticUrban FantasyWerewolf

Book Blurb:

If the meek can become deadly, the strongest can be weak.

For Ethan Holloway, his mission to find a missing werewolf should be simple. Crack a few heads, bust a few chops and the solution always reveals itself. Always.

Not this time.

Ethan’s reputation precedes him, and because it does, someone is ready. Waiting. Unbeknownst to Ethan, he’s about to go down. Hard. Against a foe he never suspected and in a world he never imagined could be real.

What awaits Ethan is a fight not only for his reputation, but also his pack, his female, and his life. If he survives, damage control will become priority number one.

If he survives.

Because even Ethan’s not sure he’s strong enough to take on an entire race all by himself.

Especially one hell bent on exposing who and what he is in the name of sport.

Le double sigh.  You see why I adore this man?  He's tough.  He's protective.  And dayum, he has one fine looking back ... scars and all.

Unfortunately, this baby won't be ready to roll until August.  In the meantime, catch up on the series:

Other Novels in this series include: Darkness & Light (#1) Blue Moon (#2)

In-between release novellas include: Instinct (#0) Eternal (#.5) Resonance (#2.5)

If you want to know more about this amazing author, you can find J.A. Belfield lurking around Twitter and Facebook.

And feel free to come back and drool anytime.  I'll be here too.

The Next Big Thing Blog Tag

I was recently tagged by the very lovely Krista Walsh to participate in this fun blog hop.  It’s cool because I get to talk about my next big project, and since so many developments toward getting it published have occurred in the last couple of weeks, I’m pretty damn excited.  Before you jump into my responses though, be sure to have a look at Krista’s too—looks like she has a very interesting book in the works! What is the working title of your book?  

Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1)

Where did the idea come from for the book?  

I’m not exactly sure.  The main character, Ayden, has been rattling the cages for a while now and back in January, I finally sat down to find out what all the noise was about.

What genre does your book fall under? 

Paranormal romance but probably a bit more on the side of urban fantasy.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? 

Oh man, I have no clue.  Maybe once it’s released, my readers will tell me who fits the characters.  Ha!

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? 

After being brutally attacked by Lycans, a female teams up with a brood of Wrath demons for revenge.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?  

A little over six weeks

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? 

JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood, Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld.

Who or What inspired you to write this book? 

Just the unrelenting draw of the characters in the story.  As they became more distinct, I needed to know more about their world.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? 

The story is set in gothic Detroit.  Even though many parts of Detroit are abandoned and run-down, it has its little diamonds embedded within the city.  In fact, I’ll be blogging about Detroit coming up. 

This book also falls a little outside of my usual writing – it’s very dark, much more violent and the sex scenes have a bit more steam.

Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath #1)


For step two of the blog hop, it’s my turn to nominate 5 amazing writers.  I’m dying to know what they're cooking up in their secret labs!  Be sure to check out what they’re working on next:

Candice Bundy

Narcisse Navarre

J.A. Belfield

James Garcia

Terri Rochenski

Cover Reveal: Resonance by J.A. Belfield!

I love cover reveals…for two reasons: 1)   You get to dodge a lengthy blog post of incessant rambling

2)   I get to show you a sneak peek of something really cool!


What’s so cool?

Today I’m giving you a peek at the face of J.A. Belfield’s upcoming release, Resonance, book #2.5 of the Holloway Pack Series!

So before I begin to ramble, here’s the cover:

A Holloway Pack Story #2.5

by J.A. Belfield

Release Date: April 2, 2013


Guilt is a heavy burden for the one carrying it. 

Jem Stonehouse is no exception to this rule.

What if she’d acted sooner? What if she’d fully recognised the threat? What if she hadn’t allowed the male pack members to head into the witches’ ambush?

For one, youngest pack member Josh Larsen wouldn’t be trapped in the sleep of the dead.

Now, Jem is convinced it’s her job to bring him back to life no matter what it takes— learning more about her heritage, risking pack exposure, or travelling to places she couldn’t have imagined possible.

Even if the journey endangers her soul.


A journey that endangers her soul?  Ho ho!  You know I’m in…

If you haven’t yet read any of the Holloway Pack, you’re missing out!  This is a great series for those in the mood to get cozy with a house FULL of sexy, protective werewolves.

Here, I’ll just make it easy and give you the links to buy the books:

Instinct (#0) Eternal (#.5) Darkness & Light (#1) Blue Moon (#2) (Coming December 3, 2012)

And don’t forget to add it to your bookshelf on GoodReads!




Interview With Jem Stonehouse - Eternal Blog Tour

It's Friday the 13th!  There's nothing unlucky about today - I get to be one of the tour stops for J.A. Belfield's newest release, Eternal.  Even better, I have Jem Stonehouse, the leading lady of the Hollway pack, in-house to answer some curious questions about those delicious Holloway boys.  Before we begin our little inquisition, let's check out the cover for Eternal and blurb:

An unmarried woman living in a house of men breeds hearsay and lore. If only the villagers knew the truth.

It’s not Jem Stonehouse’s marital status that brings unwanted strangers to town. Rather, it’s that she is the only female werewolf in existence — a prize to any pack.

Sean Holloway, the love of Jem’s life, has gone to great lengths to protect her. As a new attack becomes imminent, Sean realizes he must take greater measures with Jem’s safety or risk losing her forever.

His first task must be to marry her, but a force greater than the largest werewolf stands in his way.

Her mother.

 Beautiful cover!  I loved Darkness & Light and Instinct.  Can't wait to dig into this one!


Jem, I have to tell you that I fell in love with your story in Instinct.  The innocent romance between you and Sean was such a joy to read.  Tell me, what thoughts went through your head when you first caught sight of handsome ‘Mr. Holloway’?

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I spotted ‘Mr Holloway’ long before he seemed to spot me. And whilst I dared allow myself to wonder over the rumours? Due to his reputation, I was somewhat relieved about when I continued to pass beneath his radar. Though that all seemed to go out the window the very first time he made eye contact. Boy, that man’s smile is enough to set even the strongest of pulses into a flurry.

I'll bet...*sets chin on palm, stares off and sighs*

*breaks from stare, notices Jem's 'let's move along' expression* 

Sorry.  Instinct - I found myself frustrated at your mother for her interference.  But as I look at the situation through the eyes of a mother, I can’t say that I wouldn’t do the same.  Can you blame your mother for wanting to protect you and your sister?  Do you think she ultimately expected you to accept Sean for what he is?

I’d never blame my mother for her protective ways. After all, with the death of father, myself and Jessica were all she had left. So it was in her nature, I guess, to try to hold dear to us. I mean, even after she conceded I may have made the right choice in Sean, she still somehow managed to get her way in the old protection department.

There is this dreamy nature about Sean in each of the books:  mischievous and chivalrous at the same time.  Is the man always this way?  Does he ever have a moody moment?

Yes, Sean is dreamy—but then I guess I can say that seeing as he starred in my dreams a lot. He’s also very mischievous, a side of him readers don’t get to see nearly enough of in the books. As well as chivalrous—he’s definitely that. But does he ever have a moody moment ….*Snort* he’s male—what do you think?

Hahaha!  Right on...What's it like being the only female in a house full of rowdy wolves?

The good: they all adore and smother me and would go to the ends of the earth to protect me.

The bad: they all adore and smother me and would go to the ends of the earth to protect me.

What? What do you mean that’s a non-answer?

*sigh* Okay, the over-protection part is as good as it is bad. As is the adoration—because it means I get away with pretty much most of my antics with little repercussion from anyone in the pack, whilst it also means not one of them wants anything to happen to me which brings us full circle to the over-protection part. I get poked a good bit about the eye candy, but to be honest? I don’t actually see that far past Sean other than to be highly mortified by any naked parts belonging to his family.

What?!  *bites lip while suddenly hit by visuals of Ethan...naked*

*shifts in seat*  OK, between the past and the present, what is your favorite time period and why?

Oh, goodness. I think maybe the present. Because females of the world, in general, have a lot more say and rights. That hasn’t quite carried over into the pack with full effect yet, but I’m certainly working on it.

Do you harbor any resentment toward Sean for what he did?

Which time? The first time? The second—the third? The first time, I did for a while. Until I came to understand how desperate he must have felt to panic that way, for him to break every rule he’d been raised to obey because he believed it the only way possible for us to be together. If you look at it that way, it actually sounds romantic. I do wish he’d have spoken to me about it first though. As for the final time he bit me? There is no resentment for that. How can I blame him for an accident that had been prompted into occurrence by events out of our control?

No doubt, Sean would hurt himself before ever thinking of hurting you, this much I've gathered from your stories.  What’s it like being the wolf with Sean? 

Imagine being completely in tune with your surroundings, in a body that instinctively knows what to do, with senses that collect signs, scents, sounds like dropped breadcrumbs that guide you and rarely steer you wrong, in a mass of muscle built to protect its owner. Now tell me: how do you think it feels? that available over-the-counter yet?  Wonder where those breadcrumbs lead. *winks*  Hehehe

Can you give us a brief teaser of what we can expect in Eternal?

Um … apart from the ones already dropped throughout? Think love, think male screw ups in the way only a male can achieve, think hurt and forgiveness, family ties and loyalty, and danger blended with risk, as well as territorial contests (of more than one variety) and the ultimate ending that’s enough to leave a girl sighing … and you pretty much have Eternal all wrapped up in a bow.

Oooh!  I like sighing...lots of sighing.  And while we're on the topic of sighing, it's time for the most important question of the interview:  what is it like living with Ethan Holloway?  *biting lip again*

Seriously? You probably don’t want to know.

No, I really do.  *scoots to the edge of the seat*

He’s like the big brother I never had—which pretty much marks him as the biggest pain in my behind I never had.

He’s loveable, though. I’d be lying if I didn’t toss that in.

Loveable.  *imagines lots of loving*  Ever, like *shrugs shoulders* I dunno, walk in on him say, in the shower?  *grins*

What? No!


Not if I can help it, thank you very much. His ego’s already big enough without him thinking I have nothing better to do with my time than spy on his nudity. What kind of questions are these?

Wait, there are more important things than spying on his nudity?  *clears throat* Uh, moving on…

Thank goodness. Though, I should probably add that you guys will have to wait until December to see more of his highliness.

*scream rattles in brain*  Shut.  Up.  More of Ethan???  Ho ho...sign me up. 

You have a keen sense of smell, right?  What uh…*dodges eye contact* does Ethan smell like, exactly?  *cough*

Hahahaha. Well, I can tell you exactly what Sean smells like: woody, wolfy and natural all mixed up with his own blend of masculine musk. Now imagine those scents with the masculine musk slightly altered and the pretty much have Ethan—there are actually a lot of similarities between the way the two of them smell.

I will not ask her to send me one of Ethan's shirts.  I will not ask her to send me one of Ethan's shirts.  I will not ask her to send me one of Ethan's shirts.  So *clears throat* that sounds...delightful.

BONUS QUESTION:  Throughout the centuries, what was your most romantic moment with Sean?

Um … I think the first time we wed. Possibly because the wedding was followed by the binding, and seeing the unwavering resolution in Sean’s eyes as the ritual was performed, with not one hint of doubt present, pretty much imploded my heart with the realization of how deep his love actually went.

*sighs*  That's one I too would hold on to eternally.  So glad you could stop by Jem!

Want to know how to get your hands on a copy of Eternal?  Of course you do!


Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble

Need to catch up on the Holloway Pack series? 

Stop by J.A. Belfield's website to check out Darkness & Light, Instinct and Into the Unknown!


BLUE MOON Cover Reveal!!

I'm not going to lie.  When I'm perusing the shelves for new reading material, whether at the bookstore or while sitting at my laptop, the cover is important.  The innards could very well contain the next classic, but if the cover looks like hell, I'm on to the next one.  My thought is this:  if you're going to take the time to write a great story, why not take equal time to design a great cover?  I'm super excited to be part of J. A. Belfield's BLUE MOON cover reveal for three reasons:

FIRST, I've read Darkness & Light, book #1 of the Holloway pack, so without a doubt I know Blue Moon is sure to contain a great storyline with sexy werewolves (ahem, Ethan...yum) and feisty females.

SECOND, J sent me the blurb to the book so that I could share it with you in this post.  In a word:  SOLD!!  Here, check it out:

Someone is watching the Holloway Pack, and this time, the female isn’t the target.

Life with a group of seven male werewolves worries Jem Stonehouse not one bit. She is engaged to the Alpha’s son Sean Holloway after all. So what has Jem’s territorial instincts on high alert?

The pack’s latest addition. Both of them.

None of the men think there’s a problem with the new girlfriends. Jem’s intuition tells her otherwise—that and a nagging suspicion the new females aren’t there to partake.

Jem believes they’ve joined in to take.

The question is ... What?

As the eve of the blue moon draws ever closer, Jem’s running out of time to find the answer and outwit a thief of the worst possible kind.

A woman who believes she can’t lose.

Ho ho!  I told you there were feisty females...

And THIRD, I received the attachment for the book cover and was instantly mesmerized.  The colors, the font, the layout...all of it so alluring - easy to stare at for an exceptionally long time, as if you're being sucked into another dimension.

But don't take my word for it... have a look and tell me what YOU think:

Ain't that a purdy sight?  Would I pluck this book off the shelves if I hadn't already gotten a taste of J's writing?  Yes I would.  Because I'm shallow like that.

Well, with the book release fast approaching, ya better get caught up on your Holloway Pack reading.  You can find out more about J. A. Belfield by stalk er, I mean, checking her out:




Add BLUE MOON to your GoodReads shelf!